Antipode of Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld, Switzerland

The opposite side of the world to Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld is Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.

Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld


Continent: Europe

Coordinates: 47.374, 8.512

Antipodal point

South Pacific Ocean

Exact location on the other side of the world

Coordinates: -47.374, -171.488


New Zealand

Waitangi is the closest city to Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld's antipodal point (548 km).

The antipodal city to Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld is Waitangi. This means that, among all the populated locations in the world, the farthest city from Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld is Waitangi.

The distance from Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld to Waitangi is about 19,000 kilometers. A direct flight would take around 22 hours, but there aren't commercial routes between these cities.

Cities on the other side of the world of Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld

This table contains the populated locations that are closest to Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld's antipode. These are the farthest cities in the world from Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld.

City Country Distance from antipode Coordinates
Waitangi, Chatham Islands New Zealand 548 km (-43.954, -176.560)
Castlepoint, Wellington New Zealand 1,216 km (-40.900, 176.217)
Waipawa, Wellington New Zealand 1,227 km (-41.412, 175.515)
Masterton, Wellington New Zealand 1,248 km (-40.960, 175.658)
Otane, Hawke's Bay New Zealand 1,267 km (-39.883, 176.633)
Akaroa, Canterbury New Zealand 1,274 km (-43.804, 172.968)
Takapau, Hawke's Bay New Zealand 1,273 km (-40.033, 176.350)
Hastings, Hawke's Bay New Zealand 1,273 km (-39.638, 176.849)
Upper Hutt, Wellington New Zealand 1,276 km (-41.138, 175.050)
Lower Hutt, Wellington New Zealand 1,280 km (-41.217, 174.917)

Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 47.3738° N 8.5116° E

Waitangi, New Zealand

Local time:

Coordinates: 43.9535° S 176.5597° W

How to calculate the antipodal point?

The antipode can be calculated by understanding the geographic coordinates and applying simple formulas. We will use the following variables:

  • LatO: Latitude at the origin point.
  • LngO: Longitude at the origin point.
  • LatA: Latitude at the antipodal point.
  • LngA: Longitude at the antipodal point.

Step 1: Obtain the geographic coordinates of Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld

The DMS coordinates are: 47°22'25.8'' N 8°30'41.9'' E .

Calculations are easier by using the decimal format, hence:

LatO = 47.37382°

LngO = 8.51164°

Step 2: Calculate the latitude

LatA = - LatO = -47.37382°

Since the latitude is positive (north direction), the antipode must be negative (south direction).

Step 3: Calculate the longitude

LngA = LngO ± 180° = 8.51164 - 180° = -171.48836°

Since the longitude is positive, we subtract 180° to ensure the final value lies between (-180, 180). If it were the other way around, we would sum 180° for the same reason.


The antipode of Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld is located on coordinates: (LatA, LngA) = (-47.37382, -171.48836)

In DMS format: 47°22'25.8'' N 8°30'41.9'' E .

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