Distances from Sach’khere, Imereti, Georgia

Sach’khere is located on latitude 42.345 and longitude 43.419.

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Distances to other cities around the world

Distances between cities Kilometers Miles
From Sach’khere to Mexico City 12,164 km 7,558 mi
From Sach’khere to Buenos Aires 13,384 km 8,317 mi
From Sach’khere to São Paulo 11,739 km 7,294 mi
From Sach’khere to Moscow 1,549 km 962 mi
From Sach’khere to Lima 13,397 km 8,325 mi
From Sach’khere to London 3,413 km 2,120 mi
From Sach’khere to Rio de Janeiro 11,423 km 7,098 mi
From Sach’khere to New York City 8,868 km 5,510 mi
From Sach’khere to Madrid 3,897 km 2,421 mi
From Sach’khere to Los Angeles 11,341 km 7,047 mi
From Sach’khere to Santiago 14,285 km 8,876 mi
From Sach’khere to Saint Petersburg 2,152 km 1,337 mi
From Sach’khere to Sydney 13,808 km 8,580 mi
From Sach’khere to Bogotá 11,866 km 7,373 mi
From Sach’khere to Shanghai 6,831 km 4,245 mi
From Sach’khere to Chicago 9,472 km 5,886 mi
From Sach’khere to Melbourne 13,553 km 8,422 mi
From Sach’khere to Houston 10,978 km 6,821 mi
From Sach’khere to Caracas 10,847 km 6,740 mi
From Sach’khere to Santo Domingo 10,432 km 6,482 mi