Distance between cities in Thailand

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Distances between main cities

In Thailand, cities are at a considerable distance compared to other countries, with an average distance of 279 km between the 10 most populated cities. The following matrix shows all distances between the main cities.

Bangkok Samut Prakan Hat Yai Pak Kret Phra Pradaeng Lampang Yala Surat Thani
Bangkok - 20 km 746 km 18 km 11 km 514 km 803 km 526 km
Samut Prakan 20 km - 729 km 36 km 10 km 533 km 784 km 512 km
Hat Yai 746 km 729 km - 764 km 736 km 1,253 km 103 km 267 km
Pak Kret 18 km 36 km 764 km - 28 km 496 km 820 km 543 km
Phra Pradaeng 11 km 10 km 736 km 28 km - 525 km 792 km 517 km
Lampang 514 km 533 km 1,253 km 496 km 525 km - 1,315 km 1,013 km
Yala 803 km 784 km 103 km 820 km 792 km 1,315 km - 359 km
Surat Thani 526 km 512 km 267 km 543 km 517 km 1,013 km 359 km -

Longest distances in Thailand

Among the 10 main cities, the longest distance is 1,315 km, between Lampang and Yala. If the group is expanded to the 25 largest cities, the longest distance is between Yala and Chiang Rai, with 1,487 km. In the group of the 100 main cities, the longest distance is between Su-ngai Kolok and Mae Chan, with 1,578 km.

Group From → To Distance
Among the main 10 cities From Lampang to Yala 1,315 km (817 mi)
Among the main 25 cities From Yala to Chiang Rai 1,487 km (924 mi)
Among the main 100 cities From Su-ngai Kolok to Mae Chan 1,578 km (981 mi)

The greatest latitudinal distance (north to south) between two cities in Thailand is from Mae Chan to Su-ngai Kolok, with a displacement of 14.12 degrees of latitude, approximately equivalent to 1,561 km. The total distance between these cities is 1,578 km.

In the longitudinal direction (west to east), the greatest distance is from Det Udom to Wichit, with a displacement of 7.02 degrees of longitude, which is approximately equivalent to 720 km. The total distance between these cities is 1,065 km.

Distances to international cities

International routes from cities in Thailand reach significant distances, such as the 16,877 kilometers between Bangkok and Buenos Aires, covering a transcontinental connection between Asia and South America. Below are some international distances from Thailand.

More distances from Thailand

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