Distance from Kenya to Equatorial Guinea

The distance between Kenya and Equatorial Guinea is 3,082 kilometers (1,915 miles).

Kenya, Africa

Equatorial Guinea, Africa

3,082 km

Distance between centroids

2,519 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

2,544 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Busia → Nsok

Distances between Kenya and Equatorial Guinea by cities:

City in Kenya City in Equatorial Guinea Distance (kilometers)
Machakos Nsok 2,909 km
Mombasa Nsok 3,211 km
Nairobi Malabo 3,168 km
Machakos Bata 3,084 km
Nakuru Bata 2,938 km
Busia Bata 2,714 km
Meru Malabo 3,238 km
Nyeri Bata 3,036 km
Meru Bata 3,111 km
Kisumu Bata 2,791 km
Kakamega Bata 2,786 km
Thika Nsok 2,882 km
Mombasa Bata 3,390 km
Bungoma Bata 2,763 km
Malindi Bata 3,424 km
Kitale Luba 2,954 km
Thika Bata 3,056 km
Garissa Mbini 3,350 km
Bungoma Nsok 2,594 km
Nakuru Malabo 3,069 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Kenya

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Kenya to China 7,894 km
From Kenya to India 5,016 km
From Kenya to United States 13,733 km
From Kenya to Indonesia 8,462 km
From Kenya to Pakistan 4,731 km

Other distances from Equatorial Guinea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Equatorial Guinea to China 10,261 km
From Equatorial Guinea to India 7,735 km
From Equatorial Guinea to United States 11,313 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Indonesia 11,540 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Pakistan 6,980 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Kenya and Equatorial Guinea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kenya Oman 3,083 km
United Arab Emirates Nepal 3,075 km
Central African Republic Israel 3,070 km
Kenya Egypt 3,066 km
Philippines North Korea 3,094 km
Philippines Japan 3,066 km
Philippines China 3,096 km
Central African Republic Jordan 3,098 km
Maldives United Arab Emirates 3,059 km
United Arab Emirates Maldives 3,059 km
Kenya Mauritius 3,104 km
Cuba Suriname 3,053 km
Bulgaria Morocco 3,110 km
United Arab Emirates Kenya 3,115 km

More distances from Kenya

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