Distance from Maldives to China

The distance between Maldives and China is 4,818 kilometers (2,994 miles).

Maldives, Asia

China, Asia

4,818 km

Distance between centroids

4,507 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Guraidhoo → Chengdu

Distances between Maldives and China by cities:

City in Maldives City in China Distance (kilometers)
Guraidhoo Suzhou 5,903 km
Maafushi Shanghai 5,852 km
Male Beijing 5,844 km
Guraidhoo Chengdu 4,507 km
Hithadhoo Suzhou 6,127 km
Dhidhdhoo Suzhou 5,620 km
Vilufushi Shanghai 5,964 km
Thinadhoo Guangzhou 5,016 km
Mahibadhoo Suzhou 5,838 km
Viligili Suzhou 6,002 km
Dhidhdhoo Guangzhou 4,653 km
Hulhumale Beijing 5,839 km
Fuvahmulah Guangzhou 5,027 km
Eydhafushi Guangzhou 4,750 km
Maafushi Beijing 5,865 km
Hulhumale Shanghai 5,830 km
Viligili Shanghai 6,073 km
Funadhoo Beijing 5,698 km
Hithadhoo Guangzhou 5,077 km
Funadhoo Shanghai 5,726 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Maldives

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Maldives to China 4,818 km
From Maldives to India 2,022 km
From Maldives to United States 15,400 km
From Maldives to Indonesia 4,550 km
From Maldives to Pakistan 3,035 km

Other distances from China

Distances between countries Kilometers
From China to India 2,984 km
From China to United States 11,671 km
From China to Indonesia 4,181 km
From China to Pakistan 3,291 km
From China to Brazil 16,638 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Maldives and China.

From To Distance (kilometers)
United Arab Emirates Germany 4,818 km
Central African Republic Czechia 4,817 km
Czechia Central African Republic 4,817 km
Czechia Yemen 4,828 km
Maldives Macao 4,833 km
United Arab Emirates Switzerland 4,807 km
Netherlands Guinea-Bissau 4,837 km
Maldives Azerbaijan 4,837 km
Netherlands Togo 4,842 km
United Arab Emirates Niger 4,797 km
Maldives Sudan 4,851 km
Netherlands Qatar 4,853 km
Maldives Mozambique 4,786 km
Republic of the Congo Bulgaria 4,856 km

More distances from Maldives

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