Distance from Maldives to Mozambique

The distance between Maldives and Mozambique is 4,786 kilometers (2,974 miles).

Maldives, Asia

Mozambique, Africa

4,786 km

Distance between centroids

4,392 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Hithadhoo → Mandimba

Distances between Maldives and Mozambique by cities:

City in Maldives City in Mozambique Distance (kilometers)
Hithadhoo Ressano Garcia 5,197 km
Thinadhoo Maputo 5,237 km
Vilufushi Matola 5,408 km
Kulhudhuffushi Maputo 5,668 km
Funadhoo Matola 5,663 km
Maafushi Matola 5,523 km
Dhidhdhoo Mandimba 4,757 km
Dhidhdhoo Ressano Garcia 5,709 km
Thinadhoo Mandimba 4,431 km
Naifaru Maputo 5,608 km
Kulhudhuffushi Lichinga 4,728 km
Viligili Ressano Garcia 5,316 km
Hulhumale Maputo 5,536 km
Fuvahmulah Mandimba 4,439 km
Eydhafushi Maputo 5,559 km
Male Matola 5,541 km
Hithadhoo Mandimba 4,392 km
Eydhafushi Mandimba 4,658 km
Male Maputo 5,531 km
Maafushi Maputo 5,513 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Maldives

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Maldives to China 4,818 km
From Maldives to India 2,022 km
From Maldives to United States 15,400 km
From Maldives to Indonesia 4,550 km
From Maldives to Pakistan 3,035 km

Other distances from Mozambique

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Mozambique to China 9,411 km
From Mozambique to India 6,427 km
From Mozambique to United States 14,874 km
From Mozambique to Indonesia 8,765 km
From Mozambique to Pakistan 6,524 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Maldives and Mozambique.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Nigeria 4,784 km
United Arab Emirates Niger 4,797 km
United Arab Emirates Finland 4,777 km
United Arab Emirates Switzerland 4,807 km
United Arab Emirates Cameroon 4,772 km
Netherlands Cabo Verde 4,769 km
Netherlands Bahrain 4,769 km
Czechia Togo 4,766 km
Czechia Senegal 4,764 km
Central African Republic Czechia 4,817 km
Czechia Central African Republic 4,817 km
United Arab Emirates Germany 4,818 km
Maldives China 4,818 km
Netherlands Benin 4,757 km

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