Distance from Netherlands to Qatar

The distance between Netherlands and Qatar is 4,853 kilometers (3,015 miles).

Netherlands, Europe

Qatar, Asia

4,853 km

Distance between centroids

4,681 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

4,754 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Enschede → Al Shahaniyah

Distances between Netherlands and Qatar by cities:

City in Netherlands City in Qatar Distance (kilometers)
Tilburg Raiyan 4,866 km
Rotterdam Al Jumaliyah 4,870 km
Delft Doha 4,937 km
The Hague Fuwayriţ 4,870 km
Haarlem Raiyan 4,925 km
Groningen Fuwayriţ 4,768 km
Breda Raiyan 4,887 km
Delft Raiyan 4,930 km
Deventer Fuwayriţ 4,756 km
Arnhem Raiyan 4,828 km
Tilburg Doha 4,873 km
Eindhoven Fuwayriţ 4,771 km
Enschede Doha 4,781 km
Nijmegen Doha 4,834 km
Groningen Raiyan 4,836 km
Arnhem Doha 4,835 km
The Hague Musay‘īd 4,969 km
Amsterdam Raiyan 4,908 km
Alkmaar Doha 4,934 km
Rotterdam Fuwayriţ 4,853 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Netherlands

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Netherlands to China 7,505 km
From Netherlands to India 7,119 km
From Netherlands to United States 7,525 km
From Netherlands to Indonesia 11,340 km
From Netherlands to Pakistan 5,669 km

Other distances from Qatar

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Qatar to China 5,152 km
From Qatar to India 2,891 km
From Qatar to United States 12,277 km
From Qatar to Indonesia 7,332 km
From Qatar to Pakistan 1,871 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Netherlands and Qatar.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Maldives Sudan 4,851 km
Republic of the Congo Bulgaria 4,856 km
Maldives Rwanda 4,857 km
Netherlands Togo 4,842 km
United Arab Emirates Mauritius 4,859 km
Maldives Azerbaijan 4,837 km
Netherlands Guinea-Bissau 4,837 km
Maldives Macao 4,833 km
Central African Republic Reunion 4,868 km
Netherlands Guinea 4,871 km
Czechia Yemen 4,828 km
United Arab Emirates Republic of the Congo 4,872 km
Republic of the Congo United Arab Emirates 4,872 km
Maldives Burundi 4,872 km

More distances from Netherlands

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