Distance from Serbia to India

The distance between Serbia and India is 5,902 kilometers (3,667 miles).

Serbia, Europe

India, Asia

5,902 km

Distance between centroids

4,451 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,131 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bor → Delhi

Distances between Serbia and India by cities:

City in Serbia City in India Distance (kilometers)
Valjevo Delhi 5,306 km
Bor Delhi 5,131 km
Bor Coimbatore 6,385 km
Novi Pazar Coimbatore 6,478 km
Jagodina Coimbatore 6,446 km
Valjevo Mumbai 5,625 km
Kraljevo Delhi 5,244 km
Kruševac Coimbatore 6,427 km
Leskovac Nagpur 5,785 km
Zrenjanin Coimbatore 6,558 km
Zemun Coimbatore 6,539 km
Kragujevac Navi Mumbai 5,552 km
Novi Sad Mumbai 5,653 km
Novi Pazar Delhi 5,260 km
Niš Kanpur 5,538 km
Subotica Delhi 5,323 km
Leskovac Coimbatore 6,361 km
Zrenjanin Nagpur 5,938 km
Kragujevac Delhi 5,225 km
Novi Sad Jaipur 5,313 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Serbia

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Serbia to China 6,862 km
From Serbia to India 5,902 km
From Serbia to United States 8,998 km
From Serbia to Indonesia 10,305 km
From Serbia to Pakistan 4,479 km

Other distances from India

Distances between countries Kilometers
From India to China 2,984 km
From India to United States 13,595 km
From India to Indonesia 4,483 km
From India to Pakistan 1,451 km
From India to Brazil 14,787 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Serbia and India.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Italy Angola 5,901 km
India Rwanda 5,902 km
India Kosovo 5,894 km
France Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,893 km
Germany Uganda 5,888 km
Chile Guadeloupe 5,914 km
Russia Switzerland 5,921 km
Argentina Martinique 5,879 km
Canada Norway 5,871 km
China Yemen 5,935 km
Brazil Mauritania 5,939 km
India Albania 5,942 km
Spain Burundi 5,942 km
France Pakistan 5,943 km

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