Distance from Beersheba to Tokyo

The distance between Beersheba, Israel and Tokyo, Japan is 9,234 kilometers (5,738 miles).

Beersheba, Southern District, Israel

Tokyo, Japan

From Beersheba to Tokyo, the straight-line distance is 9,234 kilometers, heading northeast. Beersheba is situated at an altitude of 285 meters above sea level, while Tokyo is at 44 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Beersheba, Israel

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Jerusalem

Coordinates: 31.2518° N 34.7913° E

Elevation: 285 m (935 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Beersheba (Teyman) Airport (BEV)
  • Nevatim Air Base (VTM)
  • Yasser Arafat International Airport (GZA)
  • Ramon Air Base (MIP)
  • Bar Yehuda Airfield (MTZ)
Tokyo, Japan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo

Coordinates: 35.6895° N 139.6917° E

Elevation: 44 m (144 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Tokyo International Airport (HND)
  • Yokota Air Base (OKO)
  • Atsugi Naval Air Facility (NJA)
  • Narita International Airport (NRT)
  • Hyakuri Airport (IBR)

Other distances from Beersheba

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Beersheba to Jerusalem 70 km
From Beersheba to Haifa 175 km
From Beersheba to Netanya 120 km
From Beersheba to Ashdod 61 km
From Beersheba to Tel Aviv 92 km

Other distances from Tokyo

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Tokyo to Yokohama 29 km
From Tokyo to Osaka 397 km
From Tokyo to Nagoya 259 km
From Tokyo to Sapporo 831 km
From Tokyo to Fukuoka 881 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Beersheba and Tokyo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puebla, Mexico Brussels, Belgium 9,234 km
Miami, United States Bucharest, Romania 9,234 km
Berlin, Germany Bakersfield, United States 9,234 km
Managua, Nicaragua Oslo, Norway 9,235 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 9,233 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Swansea, United Kingdom 9,233 km
Medellín, Colombia Kano, Nigeria 9,233 km
Gibraltar, Gibraltar Salta, Argentina 9,233 km
Guadalupe, Mexico Berlin, Germany 9,235 km
Toronto, Canada Onitsha, Nigeria 9,235 km
Rome, Italy Montería, Colombia 9,235 km
Santiago, Chile Onitsha, Nigeria 9,232 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands León de los Aldama, Mexico 9,236 km
Málaga, Spain Las Vegas, United States 9,236 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 9,232 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Iztapalapa, Mexico 9,232 km
Berlin, Germany San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico 9,232 km
Shanghai, China Birmingham, United Kingdom 9,231 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Mar del Plata, Argentina 9,237 km
Kano, Nigeria Ibagué, Colombia 9,237 km

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