Distance from Belmopan to Milwaukee

The distance between Belmopan, Belize and Milwaukee, United States is 2,860 kilometers (1,777 miles).

Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

From Belmopan to Milwaukee, the straight-line distance is 2,860 kilometers, heading north. Belmopan is at 71 meters above sea level, while Milwaukee is at 203 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 10-12 days
Motorcycle 3-4 days
Car 2-3 days
Airplane 4-5 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Belmopan, Belize

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Belize

Coordinates: 17.25° N 88.7667° W

Elevation: 71 m (233 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Matthew Spain Airport (SQS)
  • Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport (BZE)
  • Big Creek Airport (BGK)
  • San Pedro Airport (SPR)
  • Mundo Maya Airport (FRS)
Milwaukee, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 43.0389° N 87.9065° W

Elevation: 203 m (666 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • General Mitchell International Airport (MKE)
  • Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport (MWC)
  • John H Batten Airport (RAC)
  • West Bend Municipal Airport (ETB)
  • Kenosha Regional Airport (ENW)

Other distances from Belmopan

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Belmopan to Belize City 66 km
From Belmopan to San Pedro 113 km
From Belmopan to Corozal 133 km
From Belmopan to Punta Gorda 128 km
From Belmopan to San Jose 107 km

Other distances from Milwaukee

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Milwaukee to New York City 1,181 km
From Milwaukee to Los Angeles 2,808 km
From Milwaukee to Chicago 134 km
From Milwaukee to Houston 1,616 km
From Milwaukee to Phoenix 2,357 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Belmopan and Milwaukee.

From To Distance (kilometers)
San Jose, United States New South Memphis, United States 2,860 km
Vancouver, Canada Chicago, United States 2,860 km
Barcelona, Venezuela Mixco, Guatemala 2,860 km
Rosario, Argentina Callao, Peru 2,859 km
San Jose, United States Memphis, United States 2,859 km
Baghdad, Iraq Vienna, Austria 2,859 km
Managua, Nicaragua Callao, Peru 2,859 km
Toronto, Canada Kingston, Jamaica 2,861 km
Managua, Nicaragua Lima, Peru 2,861 km
San Pedro Sula, Honduras Baltimore, United States 2,862 km
Morelia, Mexico Oakland, United States 2,862 km
Brampton, Canada Kingston, Jamaica 2,862 km
Washington, United States Veracruz, Mexico 2,857 km
Milwaukee, United States Sacramento, United States 2,857 km
San Pedro Sula, Honduras Albuquerque, United States 2,857 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Barcelona, Venezuela 2,857 km
Portland, United States Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 2,864 km
Mexicali, Mexico Mérida, Mexico 2,864 km

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