Distance from Belo Horizonte to Port Moresby

The distance between Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea is 16,537 kilometers (10,275 miles).

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Port Moresby, National Capital, Papua New Guinea

From Belo Horizonte to Port Moresby, the straight-line distance is 16,537 kilometers, heading south. Belo Horizonte is situated at an altitude of 872 meters above sea level, while Port Moresby is at 25 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 18-20 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo

Coordinates: 19.9208° S 43.9378° W

Elevation: 872 m (2,861 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport (PLU)
  • Belo Horizonte (CNF)
  • Divinópolis Airport (DIQ)
  • Barbacena (QAK)
  • Usiminas Airport (IPN)
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Local time:

Time Zone: Pacific/Port_Moresby

Coordinates: 9.4772° S 147.1509° E

Elevation: 25 m (82 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Jacksons International Airport (POM)
  • Haelogo Airport (HEO)
  • Efogi Airport (EFG)
  • Kagi Airstrip (KGW)
  • Nadunumu Airport (NDN)

Other distances from Port Moresby

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Port Moresby to Lae 305 km
From Port Moresby to Madang 494 km
From Port Moresby to Wau 241 km
From Port Moresby to Buin 988 km
From Port Moresby to Arawa 995 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Belo Horizonte and Port Moresby.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Ahmedabad, India Piura, Peru 16,537 km
Navi Mumbai, India Guayaquil, Ecuador 16,536 km
Gold Coast, Australia Nottingham, United Kingdom 16,538 km
Moscow, Russia Wellington, New Zealand 16,539 km
La Paz, Bolivia Tokyo, Japan 16,539 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Jakarta, Indonesia 16,540 km
Brisbane, Australia Birmingham, United Kingdom 16,540 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Melbourne, Australia 16,541 km
Kolkata, India Ibagué, Colombia 16,532 km
Kanpur, India Córdoba, Argentina 16,542 km
Santiago, Chile Indore, India 16,542 km
Chengdu, China Manaus, Brazil 16,531 km
Perth, Australia Veracruz, Mexico 16,531 km
Brisbane, Australia Belfast, United Kingdom 16,544 km
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Barcelona, Venezuela 16,544 km
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Maceió, Brazil 16,529 km
Arequipa, Peru Indore, India 16,545 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Kolkata, India 16,529 km

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