Distance from Berlin to Newcastle

The distance between Berlin, Germany and Newcastle, Australia is 16,051 kilometers (9,974 miles).

Berlin, Germany

Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

From Berlin to Newcastle, the straight-line distance is 16,051 kilometers, heading east. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Berlin at 43 meters above sea level and Newcastle at 48 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Berlin, Germany

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Berlin

Coordinates: 52.5244° N 13.4105° E

Elevation: 43 m (141 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Berlin-Tempelhof International Airport (THF)
  • Berlin Tegel Airport (TXL)
  • Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (SXF)
  • Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
  • Strausberg Airport (QPK)
Newcastle, Australia

Local time:

Time Zone: Australia/Sydney

Coordinates: 32.9295° S 151.7801° E

Elevation: 48 m (157 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Newcastle Airport (NTL)
  • Lake Macquarie Airport (BEO)
  • Maitland Airport (MTL)
  • Cessnock Airport (CES)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)

Other distances from Berlin

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Berlin to Hamburg 256 km
From Berlin to Munich 505 km
From Berlin to Frankfurt am Main 425 km
From Berlin to Stuttgart 513 km
From Berlin to Düsseldorf 479 km

Other distances from Newcastle

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Newcastle to Sydney 117 km
From Newcastle to Melbourne 823 km
From Newcastle to Brisbane 617 km
From Newcastle to Perth 3,363 km
From Newcastle to Canberra 358 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Berlin and Newcastle.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Dhaka, Bangladesh Cúcuta, Colombia 16,052 km
Kolkata, India Cúcuta, Colombia 16,050 km
Lagos, Nigeria Wellington, New Zealand 16,053 km
Taipei, Taiwan Barcelona, Venezuela 16,054 km
Perth, Australia Ciudad Juárez, Mexico 16,047 km
Melbourne, Australia Cleveland, United States 16,046 km
Perth, Australia El Paso, United States 16,046 km
Adelaide, Australia Kingston, Jamaica 16,057 km
Taipei, Taiwan Cúcuta, Colombia 16,059 km
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea São Paulo, Brazil 16,059 km
Bangkok, Thailand Cancún, Mexico 16,059 km
Canberra, Australia Berlin, Germany 16,059 km
Lagos, Nigeria Brisbane, Australia 16,062 km
Guadalupe, Mexico Madurai, India 16,062 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Lucknow, India 16,062 km
Monterrey, Mexico Madurai, India 16,063 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Nagpur, India 16,063 km
Indianapolis, United States Adelaide, Australia 16,063 km

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