Distance from Brighton to Philadelphia (United States)

The distance between Brighton, Alabama and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 1,276 kilometers (793 miles)

Country: United States

Region: Alabama

City: Brighton

Country: United States

Region: Pennsylvania

City: Philadelphia

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 4-5 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Brighton, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 33.4343° N 86.9472° W

Nearby airports:
  • Birmingham–Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM)
  • Tuscaloosa Municipal Airport (TCL)
  • St Clair County Airport (PLR)
  • Talladega Municipal Airport (ASN)
  • Northeast Alabama Regional Airport (GAD)

Philadelphia, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 39.9523° N 75.1638° W

Nearby airports:
  • Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
  • Northeast Philadelphia Airport (PNE)
  • Wings Field (BBX)
  • South Jersey Regional Airport (LLY)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (NXX)

Other distances from Brighton

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Brighton to New York City 1,404 km
From Brighton to Los Angeles 2,889 km
From Brighton to Chicago 936 km
From Brighton to Houston 896 km
From Brighton to Philadelphia 1,276 km

Other distances from Philadelphia

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Philadelphia to New York City 130 km
From Philadelphia to Los Angeles 3,852 km
From Philadelphia to Chicago 1,072 km
From Philadelphia to Houston 2,158 km
From Philadelphia to Phoenix 3,351 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Brighton and Philadelphia.

From To Distance (kilometers)
San Francisco, United States Vancouver, Canada 1,276 km
San Luis, Mexico Plano, United States 1,276 km
Columbus, United States Orlando, United States 1,276 km
Houston, United States Omaha, United States 1,276 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Bucaramanga, Colombia 1,276 km
Istanbul, Turkey Vienna, Austria 1,276 km
Memphis, United States Baltimore, United States 1,276 km
El Paso, United States Tonalá, Mexico 1,275 km
San Antonio, United States St. Louis, United States 1,275 km
Barcelona, Spain Leicester, United Kingdom 1,275 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Toluca, Mexico 1,277 km
Maceió, Brazil Vila Velha, Brazil 1,277 km
Rome, Italy Bilbao, Spain 1,275 km
Córdoba, Argentina Caxias do Sul, Brazil 1,275 km
Memphis, United States Reynosa, Mexico 1,278 km
Houston, United States Tampa, United States 1,274 km
Denver, United States Riverside, United States 1,278 km
Cancún, Mexico Ixtapaluca, Mexico 1,274 km
Austin, United States Tucson, United States 1,274 km
Havana, Cuba Mixco, Guatemala 1,279 km

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