Distance from Cork to Melbourne

The distance between Cork, Ireland and Melbourne, Australia is 17,420 kilometers (10,824 miles).

Cork, Munster, Ireland

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

From Cork to Melbourne, the straight-line distance is 17,420 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Cork at 10 meters above sea level and Melbourne at 25 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 18-20 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Cork, Ireland

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Dublin

Coordinates: 51.898° N 8.4706° W

Elevation: 10 m (33 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Cork Airport (ORK)
  • Bantry Aerodrome (BYT)
  • Kerry Airport (KIR)
  • Shannon Airport (SNN)
  • Waterford Airport (WAT)
Melbourne, Australia

Local time:

Time Zone: Australia/Melbourne

Coordinates: 37.814° S 144.9633° E

Elevation: 25 m (82 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Essendon Airport (MEB)
  • Melbourne Airport (MEL)
  • Melbourne Moorabbin Airport (MBW)
  • Avalon Airport (AVV)
  • Geelong Airport (GEX)

Other distances from Cork

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Cork to Dublin 219 km
From Cork to Limerick 86 km
From Cork to South Dublin 212 km
From Cork to Galway 158 km
From Cork to Waterford 101 km

Other distances from Melbourne

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Melbourne to Sydney 714 km
From Melbourne to Brisbane 1,373 km
From Melbourne to Perth 2,727 km
From Melbourne to Canberra 467 km
From Melbourne to Adelaide 655 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Cork and Melbourne.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Valencia, Spain Sydney, Australia 17,421 km
Shenzhen, China Cuenca, Ecuador 17,422 km
Trujillo, Peru Bengaluru, India 17,422 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Kolkata, India 17,425 km
Zaragoza, Spain Newcastle, Australia 17,425 km
Gold Coast, Australia Murcia, Spain 17,412 km
Valencia, Spain Newcastle, Australia 17,428 km
Sydney, Australia Zaragoza, Spain 17,429 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Tampa, United States 17,410 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Dhaka, Bangladesh 17,409 km
Cochabamba, Bolivia Seoul, South Korea 17,431 km
Bangkok, Thailand Asunción, Paraguay 17,407 km
Stockholm, Sweden Wellington, New Zealand 17,433 km
La Paz, Bolivia Jakarta, Indonesia 17,433 km
Arequipa, Peru Patna, India 17,403 km
Melbourne, Australia Valladolid, Spain 17,403 km
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Cuenca, Ecuador 17,440 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh Cuenca, Ecuador 17,441 km
Perth, Australia Barranquilla, Colombia 17,441 km
Hanoi, Vietnam Curitiba, Brazil 17,442 km

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