The distance between Gebiley, Woqooyi Galbeed and Mogadishu, Banaadir is 869 kilometers (540 miles).
Gebiley, Woqooyi Galbeed, Somalia
From Gebiley to Mogadishu, the straight-line distance is 869 kilometers, heading south. Gebiley is situated at an altitude of 1,474 meters above sea level, while Mogadishu is at only 12 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Bicycle | 3-4 days |
Motorcycle | 1-2 days |
Car | 1 day |
Helicopter | 4-5 hours |
Airplane | 1-2 hours |
Speed | Time |
30 km/h | |
60 km/h | |
90 km/h | |
120 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Africa/Mogadishu
Coordinates: 9.7003° N 43.6244° E
Elevation: 1,474 m (4,836 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Africa/Mogadishu
Coordinates: 2.0371° N 45.3438° E
Elevation: 12 m (39 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Gebiley to Mogadishu | 869 km |
From Gebiley to Borama | 55 km |
From Gebiley to Berbera | 173 km |
From Gebiley to Hargeysa | 51 km |
From Gebiley to Baidoa | 728 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Mogadishu to Borama | 906 km |
From Mogadishu to Berbera | 930 km |
From Mogadishu to Hargeysa | 844 km |
From Mogadishu to Baidoa | 223 km |
From Mogadishu to Kismayo | 409 km |
The following list contains the cities of Somalia that are at equal or similar distances as between Gebiley and Mogadishu.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Fort Worth, United States | Ciudad Juárez, Mexico | 868 km |
Cartagena, Colombia | Maracay, Venezuela | 868 km |
Fort Worth, United States | El Paso, United States | 870 km |
Brasília, Brazil | São Paulo, Brazil | 871 km |
Shanghai, China | Seoul, South Korea | 867 km |
Shenzhen, China | Hanoi, Vietnam | 867 km |
Mississauga, Canada | Raleigh, United States | 871 km |
Rome, Italy | Palma, Spain | 871 km |
Cancún, Mexico | Tampa, United States | 872 km |
Barranquilla, Colombia | Caracas, Venezuela | 866 km |
Coyoacán, Mexico | Mazatlán, Mexico | 866 km |
Washington, United States | Atlanta, United States | 872 km |
Kanpur, India | Ahmedabad, India | 873 km |
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico | Nuevo Laredo, Mexico | 873 km |
San Salvador, El Salvador | Cancún, Mexico | 865 km |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hanoi, Vietnam | 874 km |
Mexico City, Mexico | Mazatlán, Mexico | 864 km |
Charlotte, United States | The Bronx, United States | 874 km |