Distance from Goz Beida to The Bronx

The distance between Goz Beida, Chad and The Bronx, United States is 9,569 kilometers (5,946 miles).

Goz Beida, Sila, Chad

The Bronx, New York, United States

From Goz Beida to The Bronx, the straight-line distance is 9,569 kilometers, heading northwest. Goz Beida is situated at an altitude of 567 meters above sea level, while The Bronx is at only 19 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Goz Beida, Chad

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/Ndjamena

Coordinates: 12.2264° N 21.4098° E

Elevation: 567 m (1,860 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Geneina Airport (EGN)
  • Am Timan Airport (AMC)
  • Abeche Airport (AEH)
  • Zalengei Airport (ZLX)
  • Nyala Airport (UYL)
The Bronx, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 40.8499° N 73.8664° W

Elevation: 19 m (62 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • La Guardia Airport (LGA)
  • West 30th St. Heliport (JRA)
  • Teterboro Airport (TEB)
  • Downtown-Manhattan/Wall St Heliport (JRB)
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

Other distances from Goz Beida

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Goz Beida to N'Djamena 693 km
From Goz Beida to Moundou 710 km
From Goz Beida to Abéché 188 km
From Goz Beida to Sarh 475 km
From Goz Beida to Am Timan 179 km

Other distances from The Bronx

Distances between cities Kilometers
From The Bronx to New York City 19 km
From The Bronx to Los Angeles 3,955 km
From The Bronx to Chicago 1,158 km
From The Bronx to Houston 2,300 km
From The Bronx to Phoenix 3,463 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Goz Beida and The Bronx.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sheffield, United Kingdom São Paulo, Brazil 9,569 km
Cochabamba, Bolivia Barcelona, Spain 9,569 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Belgrade, Serbia 9,569 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mexicali, Mexico 9,570 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom Shenzhen, China 9,568 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Valencia, Spain 9,568 km
Santiago, Chile Kaduna, Nigeria 9,568 km
Rosario, Argentina Gibraltar, Gibraltar 9,570 km
Lima, Peru Honolulu, United States 9,568 km
Hyderābād, India Newcastle, Australia 9,570 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Málaga, Spain 9,571 km
Barcelona, Spain Hanoi, Vietnam 9,567 km
Sheffield, United Kingdom Bangkok, Thailand 9,567 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Barcelona, Spain 9,571 km
Bangkok, Thailand Leicester, United Kingdom 9,571 km
Bangkok, Thailand Bradford, United Kingdom 9,571 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Gibraltar, Gibraltar 9,571 km
Shenzhen, China Bradford, United Kingdom 9,567 km

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