Distance from Iquitos to Oujda

The distance between Iquitos, Peru and Oujda, Morocco is 8,559 kilometers (5,319 miles).

Iquitos, Loreto, Peru

Oujda, Oriental, Morocco

From Iquitos to Oujda, the straight-line distance is 8,559 kilometers, heading northeast. Iquitos is at 92 meters above sea level, while Oujda is at 549 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 12-14 hours
Jet fighter 8-10 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Iquitos, Peru

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Lima

Coordinates: 3.7491° S 73.2538° W

Elevation: 92 m (302 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Coronel FAP Francisco Secada Vignetta International Airport (IQT)
  • Trompeteros Airport (TDP)
  • El Encanto Airport (ECO)
  • Caballococha Airport (LHC)
  • Araracuara Airport (ACR)
Oujda, Morocco

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/Casablanca

Coordinates: 34.6814° N 1.9086° W

Elevation: 549 m (1,801 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Angads Airport (OUD)
  • Zenata – Messali El Hadj Airport (TLM)
  • Nador International Airport (NDR)
  • Melilla Airport (MLN)
  • Sidi Bel Abbes Airport (BFW)

Other distances from Iquitos

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Iquitos to Lima 1,007 km
From Iquitos to Callao 1,013 km
From Iquitos to Arequipa 1,412 km
From Iquitos to Trujillo 801 km
From Iquitos to Chiclayo 803 km

Other distances from Oujda

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Oujda to Casablanca 540 km
From Oujda to Rabat 459 km
From Oujda to Tangier 374 km
From Oujda to Marrakesh 661 km
From Oujda to Salé 455 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Iquitos and Oujda.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Liverpool, United Kingdom Mixco, Guatemala 8,559 km
Portland, United States Valladolid, Spain 8,559 km
Liverpool, United Kingdom San Diego, United States 8,559 km
Bengaluru, India Accra, Ghana 8,559 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom Irapuato, Mexico 8,559 km
Sheffield, United Kingdom Mexicali, Mexico 8,558 km
Managua, Nicaragua Bilbao, Spain 8,558 km
Cali, Colombia Cardiff, United Kingdom 8,560 km
Tijuana, Mexico Preston, United Kingdom 8,560 km
Helsinki, Finland Albuquerque, United States 8,561 km
Curitiba, Brazil Kansas City, United States 8,557 km
Oslo, Norway Maracaibo, Venezuela 8,561 km
Philadelphia, United States Ibadan, Nigeria 8,557 km
Medellín, Colombia Palma, Spain 8,561 km
Shenzhen, China Budapest, Hungary 8,557 km
Brooklyn, United States Montevideo, Uruguay 8,561 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh Murcia, Spain 8,557 km
Warsaw, Poland Denver, United States 8,562 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Valladolid, Spain 8,556 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Preston, United Kingdom 8,562 km

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