Distance from Khujand to Paraná

The distance between Khujand, Tajikistan and Paraná, Argentina is 15,491 kilometers (9,626 miles).

Khujand, Sughd, Tajikistan

Paraná, Entre Rios, Argentina

From Khujand to Paraná, the straight-line distance is 15,491 kilometers, heading west. Khujand is situated at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level, while Paraná is at 78 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Khujand, Tajikistan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Dushanbe

Coordinates: 40.2826° N 69.6222° E

Elevation: 340 m (1,115 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Khudjand International Airport (LBD)
  • Tashkent International Airport (TAS)
  • Fergana International Airport (FEG)
  • Namangan Airport (NMA)
  • Dushanbe International Airport (DYU)
Paraná, Argentina

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Argentina/Cordoba

Coordinates: 31.7327° S 60.529° W

Elevation: 78 m (256 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Parana Airport (PRA)
  • Sauce Viejo Airport (SFN)
  • Rafaela Airport (RAF)
  • Sunchales Aeroclub Airport (NCJ)
  • Rosario International Airport (ROS)

Other distances from Khujand

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Khujand to Dushanbe 207 km
From Khujand to Isfara 87 km
From Khujand to Istaravshan 67 km
From Khujand to Kŭlob 263 km
From Khujand to Konibodom 69 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Khujand and Paraná.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cali, Colombia New Delhi, India 15,491 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Nagpur, India 15,492 km
Managua, Nicaragua Ahmedabad, India 15,490 km
Nairobi, Kenya Mexicali, Mexico 15,492 km
Cali, Colombia Delhi, India 15,489 km
Rosario, Argentina Chennai, India 15,493 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Ahmedabad, India 15,489 km
Shanghai, China Bucaramanga, Colombia 15,489 km
Callao, Peru Tokyo, Japan 15,493 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh Caracas, Venezuela 15,494 km
Detroit, United States Canberra, Australia 15,495 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Coimbatore, India 15,486 km
Hong Kong, Hong Kong San Juan, Puerto Rico 15,497 km
Morelia, Mexico Nagpur, India 15,485 km
Gold Coast, Australia Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 15,497 km
Nairobi, Kenya Bakersfield, United States 15,485 km
Gold Coast, Australia Belgrade, Serbia 15,485 km
Gold Coast, Australia New York City, United States 15,497 km

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