Distance from Kobe to Mashhad

The distance between Kobe, Japan and Mashhad, Afghanistan is 5,773 kilometers (3,587 miles).

Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan

Mashhad, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

From Kobe to Mashhad, the straight-line distance is 5,773 kilometers, heading west. Kobe is at 35 meters above sea level, while Mashhad is at 977 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 8-10 hours
Jet fighter 6-8 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Kobe, Japan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo

Coordinates: 34.6913° N 135.183° E

Elevation: 35 m (115 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Kobe Airport (UKB)
  • Osaka International Airport (ITM)
  • Kansai International Airport (KIX)
  • Tokushima Airport (TKS)
  • Tajima Airport (TJH)
Mashhad, Afghanistan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Kabul

Coordinates: 36.8167° N 70.1021° E

Elevation: 977 m (3,205 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Fayzabad Airport (FBD)
  • Taloqan Airport (TQN)
  • Konduz Airport (UND)
  • Kulob Airport (TJU)
  • Sheghnan Airport (SGA)

Other distances from Kobe

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Kobe to Tokyo 425 km
From Kobe to Yokohama 416 km
From Kobe to Osaka 29 km
From Kobe to Nagoya 167 km
From Kobe to Sapporo 1,072 km

Other distances from Mashhad

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Mashhad to Kabul 268 km
From Mashhad to Herāt 767 km
From Mashhad to Mazār-e Sharīf 267 km
From Mashhad to Kandahār 705 km
From Mashhad to Kunduz 112 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Kobe and Mashhad.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Phoenix, United States Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 5,773 km
Philadelphia, United States Valladolid, Spain 5,773 km
Callao, Peru El Paso, United States 5,772 km
Columbus, United States Belém, Brazil 5,774 km
Helsinki, Finland Halifax, Canada 5,774 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Tokyo, Japan 5,772 km
Ottawa, Canada Córdoba, Spain 5,774 km
Brasília, Brazil Mixco, Guatemala 5,775 km
Managua, Nicaragua Curitiba, Brazil 5,775 km
Rosario, Argentina Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 5,775 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Lima, Peru 5,771 km
Madrid, Spain Queens, United States 5,771 km
Miami, United States Brasília, Brazil 5,775 km
Mumbai, India Budapest, Hungary 5,770 km
Fortaleza, Brazil Córdoba, Spain 5,776 km
Lima, Peru El Paso, United States 5,776 km
Trujillo, Peru Phoenix, United States 5,776 km
Miami, United States Goiânia, Brazil 5,770 km

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