Distance from Kobe to Shizuoka (Japan)

The distance between Kobe, Hyōgo and Shizuoka is 295 kilometers (183 miles).

Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan

Shizuoka, Japan

From Kobe to Shizuoka, the straight-line distance is 295 kilometers, heading east. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Kobe at 35 meters above sea level and Shizuoka at 23 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1-2 days
Motorcycle 8-10 hours
Car 6-8 hours
Helicopter 1-2 hours
Airplane 20-30 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h
Kobe, Japan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo

Coordinates: 34.6913° N 135.183° E

Elevation: 35 m (115 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Kobe Airport (UKB)
  • Osaka International Airport (ITM)
  • Kansai International Airport (KIX)
  • Tokushima Airport (TKS)
  • Tajima Airport (TJH)
Shizuoka, Japan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo

Coordinates: 34.9833° N 138.3833° E

Elevation: 23 m (75 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport (FSZ)
  • Oshima Airport (OIM)
  • Atsugi Naval Air Facility (NJA)
  • Yokota Air Base (OKO)
  • Nagoya Airport (NKM)

Other distances from Kobe

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Kobe to Tokyo 425 km
From Kobe to Yokohama 416 km
From Kobe to Osaka 29 km
From Kobe to Nagoya 167 km
From Kobe to Sapporo 1,072 km

Other distances from Shizuoka

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Shizuoka to Tokyo 142 km
From Shizuoka to Yokohama 126 km
From Shizuoka to Osaka 266 km
From Shizuoka to Nagoya 136 km
From Shizuoka to Sapporo 933 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Japan that are at equal or similar distances as between Kobe and Shizuoka.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Zapopan, Mexico San Luis Potosí, Mexico 295 km
Madrid, Spain Córdoba, Spain 295 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom Manchester, United Kingdom 296 km
Dublin, Ireland Newport, United Kingdom 294 km
San Pedro Sula, Honduras Villa Nueva, Guatemala 296 km
San Pedro Sula, Honduras Mixco, Guatemala 294 km
Queens, United States South Boston, United States 296 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 293 km
Dublin, Ireland Cardiff, United Kingdom 293 km
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Tonalá, Mexico 297 km
Austin, United States Dallas, United States 293 km
Boston, United States Queens, United States 297 km
Bogotá, Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia 298 km
Manhattan, United States South Boston, United States 298 km
Bengaluru, India Chennai, India 292 km
The Bronx, United States Baltimore, United States 291 km
Leeds, United Kingdom Swansea, United Kingdom 291 km
Manhattan, United States Boston, United States 299 km
Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela Barcelona, Venezuela 299 km
Leeds, United Kingdom Belfast, United Kingdom 299 km

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