Distance from Le Havre to Matola

The distance between Le Havre, France and Matola, Mozambique is 8,952 kilometers (5,562 miles).

Le Havre, Normandy, France

Matola, Maputo Province, Mozambique

From Le Havre to Matola, the straight-line distance is 8,952 kilometers, heading southeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Le Havre at 5 meters above sea level and Matola at 42 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 30-45 days
Motorcycle 10-12 days
Car 8-10 days
Airplane 14-16 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Le Havre, France

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Paris

Coordinates: 49.4935° N 0.1079° E

Elevation: 5 m (16 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Le Havre – Octeville Airport (LEH)
  • Deauville – Saint-Gatien Airport (DOL)
  • Caen – Carpiquet Airport (CFR)
  • Rouen Airport (URO)
  • Évreux-Fauville (BA 105) Air Base (EVX)
Matola, Mozambique

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/Maputo

Coordinates: 25.9622° S 32.4589° E

Elevation: 42 m (138 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Maputo International Airport (MPM)
  • Inhaca Airport (IHC)
  • Sikhuphe International Airport (SHO)
  • Riverside Airport (LLE)
  • Manzini - Matsapha Airport (MTS)

Other distances from Le Havre

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Le Havre to Paris 178 km
From Le Havre to Marseille 799 km
From Le Havre to Lyon 548 km
From Le Havre to Toulouse 663 km
From Le Havre to Nice 845 km

Other distances from Matola

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Matola to Maputo 12 km
From Matola to Nampula 1,394 km
From Matola to Beira 720 km
From Matola to Chimoio 765 km
From Matola to Tete 1,092 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Le Havre and Matola.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Zapopan, Mexico Lisbon, Portugal 8,952 km
Accra, Ghana Chiclayo, Peru 8,952 km
Coyoacán, Mexico Islington, United Kingdom 8,952 km
Morelia, Mexico Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom 8,951 km
Lagos, Nigeria Etobicoke, Canada 8,953 km
London, United Kingdom Coyoacán, Mexico 8,951 km
Mexico City, Mexico Valladolid, Spain 8,953 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Valladolid, Spain 8,953 km
Warsaw, Poland Caracas, Venezuela 8,951 km
London, United Kingdom Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 8,953 km
Zapopan, Mexico Birmingham, United Kingdom 8,951 km
Gold Coast, Australia Kolkata, India 8,951 km
Guadalajara, Mexico Bristol, United Kingdom 8,954 km
Stockholm, Sweden Mexicali, Mexico 8,954 km
Birmingham, United Kingdom Tonalá, Mexico 8,950 km
Arequipa, Peru Port Harcourt, Nigeria 8,950 km
Madrid, Spain Chihuahua, Mexico 8,954 km
Kano, Nigeria Bucaramanga, Colombia 8,949 km
Salvador, Brazil Colorado Springs, United States 8,949 km
Mississauga, Canada Kano, Nigeria 8,955 km

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