Distance from Liège to Taro

The distance between Liège, Belgium and Taro, Solomon Islands is 14,440 kilometers (8,973 miles).

Liège, Wallonia, Belgium

Taro, Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands

From Liège to Taro, the straight-line distance is 14,440 kilometers, heading northeast. Liège is situated at an altitude of 66 meters above sea level, while Taro is at 0 meters below sea level.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1 day
Jet fighter 14-16 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Liège, Belgium

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Brussels

Coordinates: 50.6337° N 5.5675° E

Elevation: 66 m (217 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Liège Airport (LGG)
  • Maastricht Aachen Airport (MST)
  • Aachen-Merzbrück Airport (AAH)
  • NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen (GKE)
  • Brussels South Charleroi Airport (CRL)
Taro, Solomon Islands

Local time:

Time Zone: Pacific/Guadalcanal

Coordinates: 6.7111° S 156.3972° E

Elevation: 0 m (0 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Choiseul Bay Airport (CHY)
  • Balalae Airport (BAS)
  • Aropa Airport (KIE)
  • Mono Airport (MNY)
  • Kaghau Island Airport (KGE)

Other distances from Liège

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Liège to Brussels 89 km
From Liège to Antwerpen 105 km
From Liège to Charleroi 83 km
From Liège to Mons 116 km
From Liège to Gent 138 km

Other distances from Taro

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Taro to Honiara 494 km
From Taro to Munda 203 km
From Taro to Buala 387 km
From Taro to Lata 1,125 km
From Taro to Malango 493 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Liège and Taro.

From To Distance (kilometers)
El Paso, United States Kampala, Uganda 14,440 km
Beijing, China Barquisimeto, Venezuela 14,440 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Kampala, Uganda 14,440 km
Pune, India El Paso, United States 14,440 km
Canberra, Australia Medellín, Colombia 14,440 km
Hyderābād, India Fort Worth, United States 14,441 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 14,438 km
Hyderābād, India Arlington, United States 14,438 km
Maracay, Venezuela Beijing, China 14,438 km
Canberra, Australia Bogotá, Colombia 14,438 km
Beijing, China Valencia, Venezuela 14,442 km
Gold Coast, Australia Havana, Cuba 14,443 km
Miami, United States Dhaka, Bangladesh 14,437 km
Moscow, Russia Newcastle, Australia 14,443 km
Miami, United States Shenzhen, China 14,443 km
Cairo, Egypt Newcastle, Australia 14,443 km
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Patna, India 14,437 km

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