The distance between Lima, Peru and Indore, India is 16,921 kilometers (10,514 miles).
Lima, Lima Province, Peru
From Lima to Indore, the straight-line distance is 16,921 kilometers, heading northeast. Lima is at 152 meters above sea level, while Indore is at 550 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 1-2 days |
Jet fighter | 18-20 hours |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Lima
Coordinates: 12.0432° S 77.0282° W
Elevation: 152 m (499 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata
Coordinates: 22.7179° N 75.8333° E
Elevation: 550 m (1,804 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Lima to Callao | 10 km |
From Lima to Arequipa | 764 km |
From Lima to Trujillo | 487 km |
From Lima to Chiclayo | 660 km |
From Lima to Piura | 855 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Indore to Delhi | 672 km |
From Indore to Mumbai | 507 km |
From Indore to Bengaluru | 1,095 km |
From Indore to Ahmedabad | 335 km |
From Indore to Chennai | 1,165 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Lima and Indore.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Delhi, India | Puente Alto, Chile | 16,921 km |
Melbourne, Australia | Bradford, United Kingdom | 16,921 km |
Lucknow, India | Piura, Peru | 16,922 km |
Sheffield, United Kingdom | Melbourne, Australia | 16,920 km |
Perth, Australia | Oklahoma City, United States | 16,923 km |
Guayaquil, Ecuador | Nagpur, India | 16,923 km |
Glasgow, United Kingdom | Sydney, Australia | 16,924 km |
Kanpur, India | Arequipa, Peru | 16,917 km |
Perth, Australia | Medellín, Colombia | 16,925 km |
Paris, France | Newcastle, Australia | 16,925 km |
Canberra, Australia | Paris, France | 16,917 km |
Santiago, Chile | New Delhi, India | 16,926 km |
Melbourne, Australia | Nottingham, United Kingdom | 16,916 km |
Salvador, Brazil | Seoul, South Korea | 16,926 km |
Melbourne, Australia | Leicester, United Kingdom | 16,927 km |
Fort Worth, United States | Perth, Australia | 16,915 km |
Cochabamba, Bolivia | Patna, India | 16,927 km |
Chengdu, China | Cuenca, Ecuador | 16,914 km |
Santiago, Chile | Delhi, India | 16,928 km |