The distance between Lower Hutt, New Zealand and Beaumont, Belgium is 18,774 kilometers (11,665 miles).
Lower Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
From Lower Hutt to Beaumont, the straight-line distance is 18,774 kilometers, heading northwest. Lower Hutt is at only 9 meters above sea level, while Beaumont is at 222 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 1-2 days |
Jet fighter | 1 day |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Pacific/Auckland
Coordinates: 41.2167° S 174.9167° E
Elevation: 9 m (30 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Europe/Brussels
Coordinates: 50.237° N 4.2393° E
Elevation: 222 m (728 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Lower Hutt to Auckland | 485 km |
From Lower Hutt to Wellington | 14 km |
From Lower Hutt to Christchurch | 319 km |
From Lower Hutt to Manukau City | 469 km |
From Lower Hutt to North Shore | 491 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Beaumont to Brussels | 69 km |
From Beaumont to Antwerpen | 110 km |
From Beaumont to Charleroi | 24 km |
From Beaumont to Liège | 104 km |
From Beaumont to Mons | 32 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Lower Hutt and Beaumont.