Distance from Maun to Sydney

The distance between Maun, Botswana and Sydney, Australia is 11,885 kilometers (7,385 miles).

Maun, North-West, Botswana

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

From Maun to Sydney, the straight-line distance is 11,885 kilometers, heading southeast. Maun is situated at an altitude of 947 meters above sea level, while Sydney is at 58 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 18-20 hours
Jet fighter 12-14 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Maun, Botswana

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/Gaborone

Coordinates: 19.9833° S 23.4167° E

Elevation: 947 m (3,107 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Maun Airport (MUB)
  • Khwai River Lodge Airport (KHW)
  • Savuti Airport (SVT)
  • Orapa Airport (ORP)
  • Shakawe Airport (SWX)
Sydney, Australia

Local time:

Time Zone: Australia/Sydney

Coordinates: 33.8679° S 151.2073° E

Elevation: 58 m (190 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Sydney International Airport (SYD)
  • Sydney Bankstown Airport (BWU)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)
  • Camden Airport (CDU)
  • Wollongong Airport (WOL)

Other distances from Maun

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Maun to Gaborone 577 km
From Maun to Molepolole 535 km
From Maun to Francistown 446 km
From Maun to Kanye 586 km
From Maun to Serowe 433 km

Other distances from Sydney

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sydney to Melbourne 714 km
From Sydney to Brisbane 731 km
From Sydney to Perth 3,297 km
From Sydney to Canberra 247 km
From Sydney to Adelaide 1,165 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Maun and Sydney.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Glasgow, United Kingdom Jakarta, Indonesia 11,885 km
Sydney, Australia Córdoba, Argentina 11,886 km
Chengdu, China Chicago, United States 11,886 km
Tehran, Iran Havana, Cuba 11,887 km
Shanghai, China New York City, United States 11,883 km
Jaipur, India Manhattan, United States 11,887 km
Taipei, Taiwan Milwaukee, United States 11,888 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Berlin, Germany 11,888 km
Detroit, United States Chengdu, China 11,889 km
Tehran, Iran San Jose, United States 11,889 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Onitsha, Nigeria 11,881 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Bristol, United Kingdom 11,889 km
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Seoul, South Korea 11,889 km
Lahore, Pakistan Omaha, United States 11,881 km
Shanghai, China Queens, United States 11,890 km
Detroit, United States Delhi, India 11,890 km
Seattle, United States Kaduna, Nigeria 11,890 km

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