Distance from Monterey to San Jose (United States)

The distance between Monterey, Virginia and San Jose, California is 3,692 kilometers (2,294 miles)

Country: United States

Region: Virginia

City: Monterey

Country: United States

Region: California

City: San Jose

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 10-12 days
Motorcycle 5-6 days
Car 3-4 days
Airplane 5-6 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Monterey, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 38.4123° N 79.5806° W

Nearby airports:
  • Elkins-Randolph Co-Jennings Randolph Field (EKN)
  • Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (SHD)
  • Greenbrier Valley Airport (LWB)
  • Charlottesville Albemarle Airport (CHO)
  • North Central West Virginia Airport (CKB)

San Jose, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 37.3394° N 121.895° W

Nearby airports:
  • Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport (SJC)
  • Reid-Hillview of Santa Clara County Airport (RHV)
  • Moffett Federal Airfield (NUQ)
  • Palo Alto Airport of Santa Clara County (PAO)
  • San Carlos Airport (SQL)

Other distances from Monterey

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Monterey to New York City 543 km
From Monterey to Los Angeles 3,484 km
From Monterey to Chicago 786 km
From Monterey to Houston 1,740 km
From Monterey to Philadelphia 418 km

Other distances from San Jose

Distances between cities Kilometers
From San Jose to New York City 4,112 km
From San Jose to Los Angeles 492 km
From San Jose to Chicago 2,964 km
From San Jose to Houston 2,593 km
From San Jose to Philadelphia 4,032 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Monterey and San Jose.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Tijuana, Mexico Baltimore, United States 3,692 km
Karachi, Pakistan Chengdu, China 3,692 km
San Francisco, United States Tuxtla, Mexico 3,692 km
Charlotte, United States Oakland, United States 3,692 km
Goiânia, Brazil Ibagué, Colombia 3,691 km
Barranquilla, Colombia São Luís, Brazil 3,691 km
Monterrey, Mexico Barquisimeto, Venezuela 3,693 km
Maracay, Venezuela Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 3,693 km
Tianjin, China Kanpur, India 3,693 km
São Luís, Brazil Pasto, Colombia 3,693 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Olinda, Brazil 3,690 km
Curitiba, Brazil Trujillo, Peru 3,690 km
Quito, Ecuador Goiânia, Brazil 3,690 km
Fort Worth, United States Bello, Colombia 3,690 km
Ottawa, Canada Morelia, Mexico 3,690 km
Salvador, Brazil San Juan, Argentina 3,694 km
Campo Grande, Brazil Cúcuta, Colombia 3,694 km
Goiânia, Brazil Barquisimeto, Venezuela 3,694 km
Barquisimeto, Venezuela San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico 3,694 km

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