Distance from Montréal to Lahore

The distance between Montréal, Canada and Lahore, Pakistan is 10,879 kilometers (6,760 miles).

Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

From Montréal to Lahore, the straight-line distance is 10,879 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Montréal at 216 meters above sea level and Lahore at 216 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 12-14 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Montréal, Canada

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Toronto

Coordinates: 45.5088° N 73.5878° W

Elevation: 216 m (709 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Montréal / Saint-Hubert Airport (YHU)
  • Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (YUL)
  • St Jean Airport (YJN)
  • Montreal International (Mirabel) Airport (YMX)
  • Bromont (Roland Desourdy) Airport (ZBM)
Lahore, Pakistan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Karachi

Coordinates: 31.558° N 74.3507° E

Elevation: 216 m (709 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Allama Iqbal International Airport (LHE)
  • Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport (ATQ)
  • Sialkot International Airport (SKT)
  • Faisalabad International Airport (LYP)
  • Jammu Airport (IXJ)

Other distances from Montréal

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Montréal to Toronto 503 km
From Montréal to Ottawa 165 km
From Montréal to Edmonton 2,978 km
From Montréal to Winnipeg 1,826 km
From Montréal to Mississauga 528 km

Other distances from Lahore

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Lahore to Karachi 1,034 km
From Lahore to Peshawar 376 km
From Lahore to Faisalabad 121 km
From Lahore to Rawalpindi 257 km
From Lahore to Multan 313 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Montréal and Lahore.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Córdoba, Argentina Kakamega, Kenya 10,879 km
Rome, Italy Salta, Argentina 10,880 km
Chengdu, China Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 10,878 km
Rosario, Argentina Swansea, United Kingdom 10,878 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Budapest, Hungary 10,880 km
Accra, Ghana Colorado Springs, United States 10,881 km
Bucharest, Romania Mixco, Guatemala 10,877 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Cardiff, United Kingdom 10,877 km
Tokyo, Japan Brooklyn, United States 10,881 km
Lahore, Pakistan Laval, Canada 10,877 km
Tokyo, Japan Queens, United States 10,882 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Surrey, Canada 10,883 km
Cairo, Egypt Cúcuta, Colombia 10,883 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Toluca, Mexico 10,875 km
Seattle, United States Curitiba, Brazil 10,883 km
Auckland, New Zealand Mesa, United States 10,883 km
Wellington, New Zealand Asunción, Paraguay 10,874 km
Trujillo, Peru Berlin, Germany 10,884 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Bucharest, Romania 10,885 km

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