Distance from Ottawa to Lilongwe

The distance between Ottawa, Canada and Lilongwe, Malawi is 12,623 kilometers (7,843 miles).

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Lilongwe, Central Region, Malawi

From Ottawa to Lilongwe, the straight-line distance is 12,623 kilometers, heading east. Ottawa is at 71 meters above sea level, while Lilongwe is at 1,056 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1 day
Jet fighter 12-14 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Ottawa, Canada

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Toronto

Coordinates: 45.4112° N 75.6981° W

Elevation: 71 m (233 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Ottawa / Rockcliffe Airport (YRO)
  • Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (YOW)
  • Ottawa / Gatineau Airport (YND)
  • Smiths Falls-Montague (Russ Beach) Airport (YSH)
  • Ogdensburg International Airport (OGS)
Lilongwe, Malawi

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/Blantyre

Coordinates: 13.9669° S 33.7873° E

Elevation: 1,056 m (3,465 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Lilongwe International Airport (LLW)
  • Kasungu Airport (KBQ)
  • Monkey Bay Airport (MYZ)
  • Chipata Airport (CIP)
  • Club Makokola Airport (CMK)

Other distances from Ottawa

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ottawa to Toronto 350 km
From Ottawa to Montréal 165 km
From Ottawa to Edmonton 2,844 km
From Ottawa to Winnipeg 1,680 km
From Ottawa to Mississauga 375 km

Other distances from Lilongwe

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Lilongwe to Blantyre 240 km
From Lilongwe to Mzuzu 278 km
From Lilongwe to Zomba 228 km
From Lilongwe to Mwanza 198 km
From Lilongwe to Karonga 446 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Ottawa and Lilongwe.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Taipei, Taiwan San Antonio, United States 12,623 km
Chennai, India Honolulu, United States 12,623 km
Los Angeles, United States Benin City, Nigeria 12,623 km
Los Angeles, United States Lahore, Pakistan 12,623 km
Auckland, New Zealand Santa Marta, Colombia 12,624 km
Jaipur, India Denver, United States 12,624 km
Washington, United States Indore, India 12,625 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Baghdad, Iraq 12,625 km
Auckland, New Zealand Havana, Cuba 12,621 km
Surat, India Milwaukee, United States 12,625 km
Belgrade, Serbia Puente Alto, Chile 12,621 km
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Tokyo, Japan 12,621 km
Cali, Colombia Nairobi, Kenya 12,620 km
Torreón, Mexico Taipei, Taiwan 12,620 km
Havana, Cuba Seoul, South Korea 12,620 km
San Pedro Sula, Honduras Baghdad, Iraq 12,620 km
Lahore, Pakistan Albuquerque, United States 12,626 km
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Brisbane, Australia 12,627 km

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