Distance from Ottawa to Perth

The distance between Ottawa, Canada and Perth, Australia is 18,213 kilometers (11,317 miles).

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

From Ottawa to Perth, the straight-line distance is 18,213 kilometers, heading northwest. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Ottawa at 71 meters above sea level and Perth at 34 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 1 day
Speed Time
300 km/h
Ottawa, Canada

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Toronto

Coordinates: 45.4112° N 75.6981° W

Elevation: 71 m (233 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Ottawa / Rockcliffe Airport (YRO)
  • Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (YOW)
  • Ottawa / Gatineau Airport (YND)
  • Smiths Falls-Montague (Russ Beach) Airport (YSH)
  • Ogdensburg International Airport (OGS)
Perth, Australia

Local time:

Time Zone: Australia/Perth

Coordinates: 31.9522° S 115.8614° E

Elevation: 34 m (112 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Perth Airport (PER)
  • Perth Jandakot Airport (JAD)
  • Rottnest Island Airport (RTS)
  • Bunbury Airport (BUY)
  • Busselton Regional Airport (BQB)

Other distances from Ottawa

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ottawa to Toronto 350 km
From Ottawa to Montréal 165 km
From Ottawa to Edmonton 2,844 km
From Ottawa to Winnipeg 1,680 km
From Ottawa to Mississauga 375 km

Other distances from Perth

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Perth to Sydney 3,297 km
From Perth to Melbourne 2,727 km
From Perth to Brisbane 3,613 km
From Perth to Canberra 3,095 km
From Perth to Adelaide 2,135 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Ottawa and Perth.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Perth, Australia Tampa, United States 18,207 km
Auckland, New Zealand Leicester, United Kingdom 18,221 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Tokyo, Japan 18,222 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Bangkok, Thailand 18,229 km

Measure more distances between cities