Distance from Perth to Cochabamba

The distance between Perth, Australia and Cochabamba, Bolivia is 14,540 kilometers (9,035 miles).

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Cochabamba, Bolivia

From Perth to Cochabamba, the straight-line distance is 14,540 kilometers, heading south. Perth is at 34 meters above sea level, while Cochabamba is at 2,577 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1 day
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Perth, Australia

Local time:

Time Zone: Australia/Perth

Coordinates: 31.9522° S 115.8614° E

Elevation: 34 m (112 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Perth Airport (PER)
  • Perth Jandakot Airport (JAD)
  • Rottnest Island Airport (RTS)
  • Bunbury Airport (BUY)
  • Busselton Regional Airport (BQB)
Cochabamba, Bolivia

Local time:

Time Zone: America/La_Paz

Coordinates: 17.3895° S 66.1568° W

Elevation: 2,577 m (8,455 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Jorge Wilstermann (CBB)
  • Juan Mendoza Airport (ORU)
  • Chimore Airport (CCA)
  • Juana Azurduy De Padilla Airport (SRE)
  • El Alto International Airport (LPB)

Other distances from Perth

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Perth to Sydney 3,297 km
From Perth to Melbourne 2,727 km
From Perth to Brisbane 3,613 km
From Perth to Canberra 3,095 km
From Perth to Adelaide 2,135 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Perth and Cochabamba.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Chennai, India Tulsa, United States 14,540 km
Zapopan, Mexico Delhi, India 14,540 km
Hyderābād, India El Paso, United States 14,541 km
Houston, United States Pune, India 14,539 km
Bengaluru, India Los Angeles, United States 14,539 km
Adelaide, Australia Quito, Ecuador 14,539 km
Bangkok, Thailand Dallas, United States 14,538 km
Lahore, Pakistan Montería, Colombia 14,542 km
Caracas, Venezuela Indore, India 14,542 km
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Wellington, New Zealand 14,542 km
Perth, Australia Leicester, United Kingdom 14,543 km
Nairobi, Kenya Veracruz, Mexico 14,537 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Kakamega, Kenya 14,543 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Kakamega, Kenya 14,543 km
Charlotte, United States Madurai, India 14,543 km
Melbourne, Australia Oklahoma City, United States 14,537 km
Zapopan, Mexico New Delhi, India 14,544 km
Delhi, India Irapuato, Mexico 14,544 km
Perth, Australia Nottingham, United Kingdom 14,544 km

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