Distance from San Jose to Guarulhos

The distance between San Jose, United States and Guarulhos, Brazil is 10,360 kilometers (6,438 miles).

San Jose, California, United States

Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil

From San Jose to Guarulhos, the straight-line distance is 10,360 kilometers, heading southeast. San Jose is at only 23 meters above sea level, while Guarulhos is at 774 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Speed Time
San Jose, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Coordinates: 37.3394° N 121.895° W

Elevation: 23 m (75 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport (SJC)
  • Reid-Hillview of Santa Clara County Airport (RHV)
  • Moffett Federal Airfield (NUQ)
  • Palo Alto Airport of Santa Clara County (PAO)
  • San Carlos Airport (SQL)
Guarulhos, Brazil

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo

Coordinates: 23.4628° S 46.5333° W

Elevation: 774 m (2,539 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • São Paulo–Guarulhos International Airport (GRU)
  • Congonhas-São Paulo Airport (CGH)
  • Bragança Paulista Airport (BJP)
  • Base Aérea de Santos Airport (SSZ)
  • Professor Urbano Ernesto Stumpf Airport (SJK)

Other distances from San Jose

Distance between cities Kilometers
From San Jose to New York City 4,112 km
From San Jose to Los Angeles 492 km
From San Jose to Chicago 2,964 km
From San Jose to Houston 2,593 km
From San Jose to Phoenix 990 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between San Jose and Guarulhos.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Saint Petersburg, Russia Bogotá, Colombia 10,360 km
Bucharest, Romania Oakland, United States 10,359 km
Chengdu, China Onitsha, Nigeria 10,361 km
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Philadelphia, United States 10,359 km
Salvador, Brazil San Francisco, United States 10,361 km
Córdoba, Argentina Calgary, Canada 10,362 km
San Jose, United States São Paulo, Brazil 10,358 km
Budapest, Hungary Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico 10,358 km
Dublin, Ireland Salta, Argentina 10,358 km
Córdoba, Argentina Bilbao, Spain 10,357 km
Tehran, Iran Milwaukee, United States 10,363 km
Portland, United States Córdoba, Argentina 10,363 km
Moscow, Russia Barranquilla, Colombia 10,357 km
Stockholm, Sweden Goiânia, Brazil 10,364 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Bucaramanga, Colombia 10,356 km
Budapest, Hungary Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 10,365 km
Bogotá, Colombia Minsk, Belarus 10,355 km
Puebla, Mexico Budapest, Hungary 10,355 km

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