Distance from Saratamata to Laayoune

The distance between Saratamata, Vanuatu and Laayoune, Western Sahara is 18,686 kilometers (11,611 miles).

Saratamata, Penama, Vanuatu


From Saratamata to Laayoune, the straight-line distance is 18,686 kilometers, heading north. Saratamata is situated at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level, while Laayoune is at 68 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 1 day
Speed Time
300 km/h
Saratamata, Vanuatu

Local time:

Time Zone: Pacific/Efate

Coordinates: 15.2903° S 167.9668° E

Elevation: 150 m (492 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Longana Airport (LOD)
  • Redcliffe Airport (RCL)
  • Sara Airport (SSR)
  • Walaha Airport (WLH)
  • Maewo Naone Airport (MWF)
Laayoune, Western Sahara

Local time:

Time Zone: Africa/El_Aaiun

Coordinates: 27.1418° N 13.188° W

Elevation: 68 m (223 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Hassan I Airport (EUN)
  • Smara Airport (SMW)
  • Fuerteventura Airport (FUE)
  • Lanzarote Airport (ACE)
  • Gran Canaria Airport (LPA)

Other distances from Saratamata

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Saratamata to Norsup 105 km
From Saratamata to Sola 163 km
From Saratamata to Port-Vila 273 km
From Saratamata to Luganville 90 km
From Saratamata to Port-Olry 100 km

Other distances from Laayoune

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Laayoune to Dakhla 474 km
From Laayoune to Boujdour 171 km
From Laayoune to Laayoune Plage 23 km
From Laayoune to Daoura 40 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Saratamata and Laayoune.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Taipei, Taiwan Goiânia, Brazil 18,685 km
Perth, Australia Philadelphia, United States 18,685 km
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Santiago, Chile 18,681 km
Perth, Australia Manhattan, United States 18,697 km
Perth, Australia The Bronx, United States 18,697 km
Shenzhen, China Puente Alto, Chile 18,699 km
Perth, Australia New York City, United States 18,700 km
Wellington, New Zealand Nottingham, United Kingdom 18,672 km
Perth, Australia Boston, United States 18,701 km
Perth, Australia South Boston, United States 18,704 km
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Puente Alto, Chile 18,667 km
Wellington, New Zealand Leicester, United Kingdom 18,705 km
Perth, Australia Brooklyn, United States 18,708 km
Dublin, Ireland Wellington, New Zealand 18,662 km

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