Distance from Seoul to Oakland

The distance between Seoul, South Korea and Oakland, United States is 9,057 kilometers (5,628 miles).

Seoul, South Korea

Oakland, California, United States

From Seoul to Oakland, the straight-line distance is 9,057 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Seoul at 38 meters above sea level and Oakland at 24 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Seoul, South Korea

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Seoul

Coordinates: 37.566° N 126.9784° E

Elevation: 38 m (125 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Gimpo International Airport (GMP)
  • Seoul Air Base (SSN)
  • Suwon Airport (SWU)
  • Incheon International Airport (ICN)
  • Osan Air Base (OSN)
Oakland, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Coordinates: 37.8044° N 122.2708° W

Elevation: 24 m (79 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Alameda Naval Air Station (NGZ)
  • Oakland International Airport (OAK)
  • Hayward Executive Airport (HWD)
  • San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
  • Buchanan Field Airport (CCR)

Other distances from Seoul

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Seoul to Busan 330 km
From Seoul to Incheon 27 km
From Seoul to Daegu 237 km
From Seoul to Gwangju 268 km
From Seoul to Daejeon 140 km

Other distances from Oakland

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Oakland to New York City 4,126 km
From Oakland to Los Angeles 553 km
From Oakland to Chicago 2,977 km
From Oakland to Houston 2,636 km
From Oakland to Phoenix 1,042 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Seoul and Oakland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kingston, Jamaica Kaduna, Nigeria 9,057 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Montevideo, Uruguay 9,057 km
Cartagena, Colombia Onitsha, Nigeria 9,057 km
San Antonio, United States Saint Petersburg, Russia 9,056 km
Quito, Ecuador Bristol, United Kingdom 9,056 km
Warsaw, Poland Valencia, Venezuela 9,056 km
Canberra, Australia Kolkata, India 9,056 km
Fortaleza, Brazil Las Vegas, United States 9,058 km
Guadalajara, Mexico Reading, United Kingdom 9,058 km
Shanghai, China Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom 9,059 km
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Bucharest, Romania 9,055 km
Madrid, Spain Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico 9,059 km
Budapest, Hungary Dallas, United States 9,059 km
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil El Paso, United States 9,055 km
Rome, Italy Colorado Springs, United States 9,055 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Córdoba, Spain 9,060 km
Los Angeles, United States Brussels, Belgium 9,054 km
Sydney, Australia Dhaka, Bangladesh 9,054 km

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