The distance between Shijiazhuang, China and São Paulo, Brazil is 17,608 kilometers (10,941 miles).
Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
From Shijiazhuang to São Paulo, the straight-line distance is 17,608 kilometers, heading northwest. Shijiazhuang is at 77 meters above sea level, while São Paulo is at 769 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 1-2 days |
Jet fighter | 18-20 hours |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Asia/Shanghai
Coordinates: 38.0414° N 114.4786° E
Elevation: 77 m (253 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo
Coordinates: 23.5475° S 46.6361° W
Elevation: 769 m (2,523 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Shijiazhuang to Shanghai | 990 km |
From Shijiazhuang to Beijing | 266 km |
From Shijiazhuang to Shenzhen | 1,718 km |
From Shijiazhuang to Chengdu | 1,258 km |
From Shijiazhuang to Tianjin | 265 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro | 361 km |
From São Paulo to Belo Horizonte | 489 km |
From São Paulo to Salvador | 1,452 km |
From São Paulo to Fortaleza | 2,361 km |
From São Paulo to Manaus | 2,682 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Shijiazhuang and São Paulo.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Jakarta, Indonesia | Mérida, Mexico | 17,608 km |
Perth, Australia | Caracas, Venezuela | 17,611 km |
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia | Seoul, South Korea | 17,602 km |
Perth, Australia | Memphis, United States | 17,601 km |
Perth, Australia | New South Memphis, United States | 17,601 km |
Beijing, China | São Paulo, Brazil | 17,599 km |
Taipei, Taiwan | Lima, Peru | 17,597 km |
Perth, Australia | Milwaukee, United States | 17,596 km |
Lima, Peru | Patna, India | 17,622 km |
Bangkok, Thailand | Bucaramanga, Colombia | 17,592 km |
Kolkata, India | Puente Alto, Chile | 17,625 km |
Taipei, Taiwan | Callao, Peru | 17,591 km |
Perth, Australia | Barcelona, Venezuela | 17,588 km |
Bangkok, Thailand | Puente Alto, Chile | 17,630 km |
Callao, Peru | Patna, India | 17,630 km |
Beijing, China | Guarulhos, Brazil | 17,585 km |
Manaus, Brazil | Bangkok, Thailand | 17,585 km |
Perth, Australia | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | 17,632 km |