Distance from Ufa to Reykjavík

The distance between Ufa, Russia and Reykjavík, Iceland is 4,243 kilometers (2,637 miles).

Ufa, Bashkortostan Republic, Russia

Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland

From Ufa to Reykjavík, the straight-line distance is 4,243 kilometers, heading northwest. Ufa is situated at an altitude of 158 meters above sea level, while Reykjavík is at 37 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 6-8 hours
Jet fighter 4-5 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Ufa, Russia

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Yekaterinburg

Coordinates: 54.7431° N 55.9678° E

Elevation: 158 m (518 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Ufa International Airport (UFA)
  • Bugulma Airport (UUA)
  • Magnitogorsk International Airport (MQF)
  • Begishevo Airport (NBC)
  • Izhevsk Airport (IJK)
Reykjavík, Iceland

Local time:

Time Zone: Atlantic/Reykjavik

Coordinates: 64.1355° N 21.8954° W

Elevation: 37 m (121 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Reykjavik Airport (RKV)
  • Keflavík International Airport (KEF)
  • Stykkishólmur Airport (SYK)
  • Vestmannaeyjar Airport (VEY)
  • Grundarfjörður Airport (GUU)

Other distances from Ufa

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ufa to Moscow 1,169 km
From Ufa to Saint Petersburg 1,637 km
From Ufa to Yekaterinburg 374 km
From Ufa to Kazan 450 km
From Ufa to Chelyabinsk 353 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Ufa and Reykjavík.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Toronto, Canada Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 4,243 km
Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela Etobicoke, Canada 4,243 km
Callao, Peru Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 4,242 km
Lima, Peru Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 4,244 km
Callao, Peru Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico 4,242 km
Mexico City, Mexico Lima, Peru 4,241 km
Lima, Peru Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 4,241 km
Budapest, Hungary Kaduna, Nigeria 4,241 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Tucson, United States 4,245 km
Shenzhen, China Ahmedabad, India 4,245 km
Edmonton, Canada Cancún, Mexico 4,245 km
Mississauga, Canada Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 4,240 km
Callao, Peru Azcapotzalco, Mexico 4,246 km
Lima, Peru Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 4,240 km
Lima, Peru Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico 4,246 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Valencia, Venezuela 4,246 km
Callao, Peru Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 4,240 km
Bogotá, Colombia Puente Alto, Chile 4,246 km
Lima, Peru Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 4,247 km
Winnipeg, Canada Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 4,247 km

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