Distance from Valencia to Philadelphia

The distance between Valencia, Spain and Philadelphia, United States is 6,209 kilometers (3,858 miles).

Valencia, Spain

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

From Valencia to Philadelphia, the straight-line distance is 6,209 kilometers, heading northwest. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Valencia at 10 meters above sea level and Philadelphia at 8 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 10-12 hours
Jet fighter 6-8 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Valencia, Spain

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Madrid

Coordinates: 39.4739° N 0.3797° W

Elevation: 10 m (33 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Valencia Airport (VLC)
  • Castellón–Costa Azahar Airport (CDT)
  • Teruel Airport (TEV)
  • Alicante International Airport (ALC)
  • Albacete-Los Llanos Airport (ABC)
Philadelphia, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 39.9524° N 75.1636° W

Elevation: 8 m (26 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
  • Northeast Philadelphia Airport (PNE)
  • Wings Field (BBX)
  • South Jersey Regional Airport (LLY)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (NXX)

Other distances from Valencia

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Valencia to Madrid 303 km
From Valencia to Barcelona 303 km
From Valencia to Zaragoza 246 km
From Valencia to Málaga 468 km
From Valencia to Murcia 177 km

Other distances from Philadelphia

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Philadelphia to New York City 130 km
From Philadelphia to Los Angeles 3,852 km
From Philadelphia to Chicago 1,072 km
From Philadelphia to Houston 2,158 km
From Philadelphia to Phoenix 3,351 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Valencia and Philadelphia.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Montevideo, Uruguay 6,208 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Sacramento, United States 6,210 km
Málaga, Spain Belém, Brazil 6,210 km
Miami, United States Maceió, Brazil 6,208 km
Mississauga, Canada Zaragoza, Spain 6,210 km
Zaragoza, Spain Baltimore, United States 6,210 km
Toronto, Canada Málaga, Spain 6,210 km
Morelia, Mexico Belém, Brazil 6,207 km
San Diego, United States Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 6,211 km
Callao, Peru Omaha, United States 6,212 km
Edmonton, Canada Barquisimeto, Venezuela 6,212 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Port Harcourt, Nigeria 6,206 km
Kampala, Uganda Vigo, Spain 6,212 km
Caracas, Venezuela Calgary, Canada 6,206 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Washington, United States 6,206 km
Brampton, Canada Zaragoza, Spain 6,213 km
Chicago, United States Belém, Brazil 6,205 km
Paris, France Kakamega, Kenya 6,213 km
Lima, Peru Omaha, United States 6,213 km

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